What is a hate crime or incident?
There are many technical definitions of what constitutes a hate crime or incident, but simply put if someone makes you feel frightened, embarrassed, ashamed, hurt or upset because of the way you look, your faith or religion, your ethnicity or nationality, gender and transgender identity, sexuality or disability then it is important that this is recorded and reported.
Examples of incidents that people may experience are: –
- rude or offensive language used towards you
- being ignored or treated ‘differently’ to other people
- abusive gestures or actions e.g.. blocking your way
- spitting
- verbal or written threats
- bullying, including children at school
- harassment (ongoing threatening/aggressive behaviour)
- offensive letters or e-mails
- abusive or threatening phone calls or texts
- abusive or threatening messages on social media
- malicious complaints
- physical attacks, which can include a minor push as well as more serious assaults
- damage to a victim’s house, shed, car or any other property they own
- offensive graffiti or posters
- rubbish thrown in to a garden or dumped near to a home
- eggs or stones thrown at a house
- offensive or dangerous substances posted through letterboxes
- arson
Where can I report a hate crime or incident?
In an emergency always call 999. You can also report to the police on 101 in a non-emergency
Further information about how the Police and County Council respond to hate crime can be found here: